TNAH-Engine v2

Emotions display
3D environment model

TNAH-Engine v2 was a project continuation from the project in unit ICT397 where our group had to use our engine to render a realistic environment location from the University campus, implement a rich AI emotion system and accurate physics collision response system.

V2 of the engine was a full overhaul and essentially a whole re-write to improve on every aspect. We re-implemented the whole backend OpenGL rendering system, texture and model loading, memory management, user input, built library linking, lighting, audio and much more. We implimented a full modular UI system using imGUI, seperate scene editor application, scene serialization, realistic and accurate AI emotions system, A-Star pathfinding, accurate physics collision response system, Entity Component System and KTX graphics texture support.

Built with C++ and OpenGL 4.6 leveraging libraries ASSIMP, GLM, GLFW, GLAD, IRKlang, ReactPhysics3D, ImGui, ImGuizmo, Spdlog, LibKTX and Entt

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